Registration/Grades for Graduate School Students
● Rules for the Grad School of Econ
● Registration Instructions
- UTAS is a web-based system allows you to register courses and view your academic records. Your ID and password will be given at the Graduate School Office on your enrollment.
- Exchange students are required to submit the course registration form at the Graduate School Office within the registration period as they do not have access to UTAS. Please get the registration Form at the counter.
- If you failed to log in with your ID/password, go to the Graduate School Office with your student ID card to make the reset. Please note the Graduate School Office is unable to deal with the request by phone/mail.
- UTAS manual is available at the bottom of the front page of UTAS (the first page after your log-in).
※Before registering courses, ensure to read and follow Course Registration Instructions for UTIPE students in the "Academic Year 20XX/XX Registration Instructions" given out at the Admission Guidance or at the Graduate School Office. - UTOL(UTokyo LMS)
- The University of Tokyo Online Course Catalogue